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Dodajanje ali urejanje fotografij

Showcase your place with great photographs —They’re instrumental in helping prospective guests decide where to stay.

What a photo tour is

Photo tours are more than just a way to help guests explore your listing through your great images. Use photo tour as a way to assign a photo to a room, add an amenity, or an accessibility feature so that guests can check what each room features. If you’d like to continue to add photos manually, you can do that too! Go to the Listing editor, and then Your space. Go to Photos, and tap Edit to make your changes.

For more help, try these tips on taking photos, or consider enlisting a professional photographer to make your listing stand out.

How photo tours work

Once you create the photo tour, you can customize it by adding, moving photos, or deleting rooms from your listings. If you add any new photos, the AI engine will automatically sort them into new rooms for you.

After adding a photo tour to your listing, consider a few things:

  • So that we can show your photo tour to guests, make sure all your rooms and spaces have at least one photo. If you have a room or space with no photos, you can either add photos or simply delete that room or space--you can always add it back later.
  • Once you have a photo tour, you can add details to each room or space, like sleeping arrangements, amenities, and accessibility features.

Kako dodati fotografijo v fotografski prikaz

  1. Kliknite razdelek Vnosi in izberite vnos, ki ga želite urediti.
  2. V urejevalniku vnosa kliknite Vaš prostor.
  3. Kliknite Fotografije in nato Ustvarite fotografski prikaz.
  4. Če želite pregledati razvrščene fotografije, kliknite Preverite razporejene fotografije.
  5. Kliknite +, da dodate novo fotografijo in jo nato dodelite sobi.

Note: Keep in mind that you must have a photo in each room or space to have your photo tour shown to guests.

While you update your photos, you can also add accessibility features and amenities to your photo tour.

Posodobitev naslovne fotografije

  1. Kliknite razdelek Vnosi in izberite vnos, ki ga želite urediti.
  2. V urejevalniku vnosa kliknite Vaš prostor.
  3. Kliknite Fotografski prikaz in nato Vse fotografije.
  4. Izberite želeno fotografijo in kliknite Uporabi kot naslovno fotografijo.
  5. Če želite dodati neobvezen napis, kliknite Dodajte opis sobe ali prostora.
  6. Kliknite gumb Shrani.

Changes may take up to 30 minutes to appear. For a faster upload, try Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Note: Resolution matters—make sure your photos are at least 1024 x 683 pixels. When in doubt, a bigger photo is better.

Reordering photos

Within the photo tour, you can reorder the first five photos on your cover page. Simply tap All photos, then drag photos in the order you prefer. Your changes will be saved automatically.

The first 5 photos are the most important because they’re prominently displayed on your listing. Make sure the first one is dynamite—that’s the large one that shows up in search.

Izbris fotografij

  1. Kliknite razdelek Vnosi in izberite vnos, ki ga želite urediti.
  2. V urejevalniku vnosa kliknite Vaš prostor.
  3. Kliknite Fotografski prikaz in nato Vse fotografije.
  4. Kliknite Urejanje fotografij.
  5. Izberite eno ali več fotografij, ki jih želite izbrisati, in kliknite ikono smeti.
  6. Za potrditev kliknite gumb Izbriši.
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