Po vnosu v iskalno vrstico se bodo prikazali predlogi. Za pregled uporabite puščici gor in dol. Za izbiro uporabite tipko Enter. Če je izbor fraza, bo ta fraza uporabljena v iskanju. Če je predlog povezava, se bo brskalnik pomaknil na to stran.
Navodila za uporabo

Katere podatke o gostih posredujemo gostiteljem pred rezervacijo

Sending a booking request conveys your enthusiasm to the Host, not your personal details.

How Hosts get to know you

When requesting to book, a limited version of your profile is shown to a Host. Before booking, your profile photo is hidden, but your first name, identity verification status, and reviews are shown. Other details from your profile, like past trips, the location you’re based in, the languages you speak, and your interests may be shared too.

You can manage what’s shown in your profile by editing your profile.

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Podobni članki

Poiščite pomoč glede rezervacij, računa in marsičesa drugega.
Prijava ali registracija