Po vnosu v iskalno vrstico se bodo prikazali predlogi. Za pregled uporabite puščici gor in dol. Za izbiro uporabite tipko Enter. Če je izbor fraza, bo ta fraza uporabljena v iskanju. Če je predlog povezava, se bo brskalnik pomaknil na to stran.
Navodila za uporabo

Izbira vrste prenočišča

When guests book your place, they want to know what they’ll be getting. Choose the home type that best describes your place, and make sure to provide additional (and accurate) details.

Entire place

  • Guests will have the whole place to themselves, including a private entrance and no shared spaces
  • An entire place usually includes a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen
  • Do make sure to note if you’ll be on the property (ex: “Host occupies first floor of the home")


  • Guests will have their own private bedroom with a door for sleeping
  • Other areas, such as a kitchen, living room, or bathroom could be shared
  • Bathrooms can be shared, private and attached, or dedicated exclusively to the guest. You can note this in your Listing details
  • Learn more about Rooms

Shared room

  • Guests will be sleeping in a bedroom or a common area that could be shared with others
  • It helps to note how many people they might be sharing with

Specify who’s present at your room listing

When booking a room, guests want to know who else they may be sharing the home with, especially if the Host isn’t present or if other guests may be there. Hosts can specify who is at their place when adding a new listing or in the description of their place.

Kako spremeniti vrsto vnosa

  1. Kliknite razdelek Vnosi in izberite vnos, ki ga želite urediti.
  2. V urejevalniku vnosa kliknite Vaš prostor.
  3. Kliknite Vrsta objekta in nato Vrsta vnosa.
  4. Izberite eno od možnosti in kliknite gumb Shrani.
Vam je ta članek pomagal?

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