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Navodila za uporabo

Kako dodati doplačilo za hišne ljubljenčke

Guests love traveling with their pets—they’re part of the family. To make it even easier for Hosts to welcome pets, you can add a pet fee to your pricing.

How pet fees work

Guests can say how many pets (0–5) they plan to bring, which you as a Host can review. If you choose to charge a pet fee, it’ll be spread out equally over the course of the stay and shown both as part of the nightly rate, and in the total price at checkout.

If you’d previously selected “No pets allowed” but now want to include a pet fee, you’ll get a message explaining that your listing will be changed to “Pets allowed.” You can charge a flat fee that covers multiple pets, but your pet fee can’t be more than your nightly base rate.

Kako dodati ali urediti doplačilo za hišne ljubljenčke

Kako urediti doplačilo za hišne ljubljenčke na namizju

  1. Kliknite Koledar in izberite vnos, ki ga želite spremeniti.
  2. Kliknite zavihek Cene.
  3. V razdelku Dodatni stroški kliknite Stroški.
  4. Kliknite razdelek Doplačilo za hišne ljubljenčke in vnesite spremembe.
  5. Kliknite Shrani.

Cover the cost of cleaning

By adding a pet fee, you no longer need to request one through our Resolution Center after you accept a booking—or chase guests who are slow to pay it. But remember: It should only be used to cover the cost of the expected cleaning you’d do after hosting fuzzy guests. For unexpected damages, you have AirCover, which offers $3 million USD in damage protection.

Service animals always stay for free

If a service animal damages your property, you can still request payment under AirCover through the Airbnb Resolution Center. For more information about service animals, emotional support animals, and fees, read about our Accessibility Policy.

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