Po vnosu v iskalno vrstico se bodo prikazali predlogi. Za pregled uporabite puščici gor in dol. Za izbiro uporabite tipko Enter. Če je izbor fraza, bo ta fraza uporabljena v iskanju. Če je predlog povezava, se bo brskalnik pomaknil na to stran.


We all want things to go smoothly, whether it’s before your trip starts or if you’re already in your place. If you need to contact your Host, find your check-in info, or let us know the kitchen isn’t clean upon arrival, we’re here to help you problem-solve. We’ve got your back.

Before you arrive

Want to ask about the space or coordinate check-in details with a Host? If you haven’t booked: Click or tap Contact Host to send a message. If you’ve booked: Go to Trips, find the reservation, and contact the Host from there. You can also print your reservation details, share with friends, or find check-in info in Trips.

Requesting an early check-in time
If you need to arrive a little earlier to a listing, a Host may be able to accommodate you.

Coordinating check-in details with my host
Follow these tips to prepare for a smooth check-in.

Contacting Hosts
Message the Host to find out more about a listing, Host, or Experience before booking.

Where to find your check-in instructions
How to locate your check-in info before your reservation begins.

Printing your reservation details
How to print and save your reservation confirmation.

Share trip details with other guests
How to invite your guests to be co-travelers and share itinerary details.

Check-in concerns 

While we hope things go smoothly, let’s prepare just in case. If you arrive and either can’t get in touch with your Host or something isn’t as expected, message your Host or call them through the Airbnb app. If you can’t reach them, you can let us know and we’ll help you sort it out.

Getting Protected with AirCover
Every Airbnb booking includes AirCover—free protection from Host cancellations, significant listing inaccuracies, and other issues like trouble checking in.

If something goes wrong during your stay
What to do and who to contact if there’s an issue when you arrive.

If you can't get in touch with your Host
Where to find the Host’s contact info if you can’t reach them.

What to do if the place you’re staying in isn’t clean at check in
How to reach out to your Host for help when your listing isn’t as expected.

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